HomeNews2021 Beijing Gallery Report——Marketing and Promotion

2021 Beijing Gallery Report——Marketing and Promotion

23 Dec 2022, 18:25
  1. Major Promotion Methods Employed by Beijing Galleries and its Expenses

Among the participating Beijing galleries in the 2021 survey, 70% had dedicated staff for promotion, and 48% had dedicated expenditure for media promotion.

In 2021 Beijing  galleries promoted on their own platform or their accounts on third-party platforms, mostly about exhibitions, artists, and events. 52% of the galleries have utilized professional platforms to showcase the images and pricing information of their works.

2. Main Platforms Beijing Galleries Promoted on (Multiple Choice)

  •  56% of galleries decided to promote on overseas media platforms such as Instagram and Facebook.
  •  54% of galleries decided to promote on social media platforms such as Xiaohongshu (RED) and Weibo.
  •  34% of galleries decided to promote on print media.
  •  30% of galleries decided to promote on short video platforms such as Douyin and Kuaishou.
  •  28% of galleries utilized other methods. 

Beijing Galleries attached paramount importance to the advertisement, with Wechat official accounts and online art platforms being their first choices. Every gallery runs a Wechat official account, while 82% of galleries have collaborated with or advertised on online art media. 

In addition, promotions on overseas platforms and domestic social media platforms both account for about 50%, with overseas platforms up 46% compared to 2020, indicating that under the background of globalization, galleries are paying more attention to the international market and attaching more importance to overseas clients. 

Print media accounted for 34%, almost the same as in 2020. in recent years, with the rise of short videos, platforms such as Douyin and Kuaishou reached 30% among the most used advertising methods.

3. Major Advertising Means of Beijing Galleries (Multiple Choice) 

Among the major advertising methods utilized by Beijing galleries, 

  • Writings and articles account for 96%, far exceeding any other advertising methods. 
  • Short videos account for 34%, being the second choice for gallery promotion.
  • Living streaming for 10%
  • Lecture for 8%
  • Other methods of promotion for 4%

 Articles can be easily distributed and displayed on various platforms such as We-chat official account, art media, and print media. Although short videos are the current trend of content dissemination, art writing remains the major advertising method, as short video often requires higher cost, and a longer, more sophisticated production period. 

Galleries are more inclined to foster their private traffic for promotion and advertisements on thirdparty platforms while focusing less on artrelated media—reserving it for important events such as exhibition openings. Galleries are shifting their focus from traditional media to selfmedia (independently operated social media accounts), operating galleries' accounts on social media platforms such as Instagram, Douyin, and Xiaohongshu (RED). This mode of operation not only deepens galleries' control over their promotion but also the connection between gallery artists, exhibitions, and the public, enhancing the effect of the promotion.

4. Form of Advertisements Beijing Galleries Preferred (Multiple Choice) 

In recent years, with the development of digital technology, video platforms represented by Douyin, Kuaishou, and WeChat Video Channel have developed rapidly, and contemporary society has quickly transitioned from a "visual society" to a "video society." This change is present in gallery promotions, which is represented by the significant trend toward visualization of knowledge dissemination. Most galleries demand short and longer video production, each accounting for 70%.

 Regardless of the video's length, the content's quality remains the core. There is an equally high demand for artist interviews, accounting for 70%. It's becoming more obvious that galleries are putting importance on the credibility of the content. Galleries, collectors, and the public need to understand the expressions, thoughts, and ideas conveyed by the artists through artist interviews.

  • In second place is collectorcustomized notification, accounting for 68%.
  •  In third place is press release drafting, accounting for 58%. 
  • The rest includes salon planning, official account thirdparty operation, overall internet operation, etc., which accounted for less than 30% in total.
Source: ArtPro