Your best art consultant

Auction Database
Massive Data Retrieval
ArtPro is committed to building the world's most complete art market information database, while providing multi-dimensional complex search capabilities. ArtPro Auction Database covers modern and contemporary painting, sculpture, ceramics and other art types, including more than 400,000 artists around the world, collecting, organizing the historical transaction data of global art from 1983 to the present, forming a professional database of more than 20 million items. ArtPro data radar covers 1,300 public and private art markets around the world, and transaction data is updated daily.

Artwork price index analysis
Help to understand the current art market dynamics and future trends, assist in assessing the artwork collection value, the best time to buy artwork and the reasonable price of the desired artwork. The best time to buy artworks and the reasonable price of your favorite artworks.

Rich Art Information
Producing and aggregating art information from the world's leading art media, auction houses, art museums and research institutions to provide timely and multi-perspective art information, in-depth interpretation by senior experts, forward-looking investment reference, in-depth art and the best art market analysis reports, helping to understand the art market dynamics and development trends.

Comprehensive market information on artists
Quantitative analysis of the market circulation of the artist's works, an exclusive and systematic analysis of the artist's art creation style and genre, tracing the lineage and biography of the artist, and collecting the characteristics of the works. One-second coverage of the artist's developments and related information on the entire Internet. To present the value information and overall market performance of the works in a comprehensive perspective.

AR Artwork / Immersive Experience
Use AR technology to immerse yourself in the experience of artwork actually hanging in your home.

Auction / Exhibition Live Streaming
Live streaming of global art auctions, real-time information on the transaction site, absentee bidding and real-time participation in the auction.Visit top art fairs with connoisseurs and connect directly with gallery owners with one click.

Absentee bidding

Original Artwork
