站台画廊 has 4 location :
站台中国当代艺术机构成立于2005年。伴随中国当代艺术历程的成长,深耕于中国本土艺术,在北京798艺术区拥有A, B两个项目空间。 在这近二十年中,站台中国当代艺术机构持续梳理、发掘并推出了诸多具有代表性面貌及国际知名度的艺术家,是中国最具业界反响和影响力的当代艺术机构之一。 我们看重艺术家与当下抑或过往时代相互回应的价值,并将持续关注处于不同阶段的新艺术家与成熟个案。在与国内外艺术家、策展人、藏家、学者、艺术机构的常态化交流中,站台中国当代艺术机构期待生成新的对话,也将继续构建具备规模与前瞻性的交流平台,伴随着当代艺术不断发展和延续。 Platform China Contemporary Art Institute was founded in 2005 and is one of China’s most influential contemporary art institutions. In the past twenty years, we have been deeply involved in the growth of contemporary art in China. With two exhibition spaces in the 798 Art District in Beijing: the A and the B space. we continued to identify, discover, and present a number of artists with representative characteristics and international recognition of locality and our time. We value the mutual response between artists and the times and will continue to discover the new blood of the younger generation and established cases at different stages of their careers. Through regular connections with artists, curators, collectors, scholars, and art institutions from home and abroad, Platform China Contemporary Art Institute looks forward to generating new dialogues and will continue to build a large-scale and forward-looking platform of exchange that will accompany the continuous development of art.
Artworks 909Shows 74Fairs 7Artist 66