HomeGalleriesRossi & Rossi
21 Georgian House, 10 Bury Street, London
Rossi&Rossi由安娜·玛丽亚·罗西(Anna Maria Rossi)于1985年在伦敦创立,后来她的儿子法比奥(Fabio)加盟了罗西&罗西(Rossi&Rossi),如今已成为亚太地区当代艺术家的主要代表。画廊的总部设在香港南岛文化区,附近还有一个陈列室,并在伦敦圣詹姆士的办公室内运作。罗西&罗西(Rossi&Rossi)是亚洲当代艺术发展的先驱,吸引了世界各地的主要博物馆和私人收藏家。 2017年,该画廊在亚洲开展了一系列展览,旨在使更多关注现代和当代欧洲艺术家。次年,除意大利画家兼版画家乔治·莫兰迪(Giorgio Morandi)的成功商业展示外,它还以已故的意大利前卫艺术家Aldo Mondino的作品为地区举办了首次展览。罗西(Rossi&Rossi)最近还与马西莫·安托纳奇(Massimo Antonaci)和贝托佐&卡索尼(Bertozzi&Casoni)一起展示了作品,并在香港和上海的海外展厅展出了意大利战后开创性艺术家卢西奥·丰塔纳(Lucio Fontana),恩里科·卡斯特拉尼(Enrico Castellani),皮耶罗·曼佐尼(Piero Manzoni),阿利吉耶罗·博蒂(Caroli Rametti)西岸艺术博览会。 罗西与罗西是伦敦艺术品经销商协会(SLAD),香港美术馆协会(HKAGA)和南岛文化区(SICD)的成员。画廊还参加了著名的地区和国际艺术博览会,包括香港巴塞尔艺术博览会,西岸上海和TEFAF马斯特里赫特。 Founded in 1985 in London by Anna Maria Rossi, who was later joined by her son, Fabio, Rossi & Rossi is today a leading representative of contemporary artists from the Asia-Pacific region. The gallery operates from its headquarters in Hong Kong’s South Island Cultural District, as well as a nearby showroom, and offices in St. James’s, London. A pioneer in the development of contemporary Asian art, Rossi & Rossi attracts major museums and private collectors worldwide. In 2017, the gallery embarked on a series of exhibitions in Asia dedicated to bringing greater attention to modern and contemporary European artists. The following year, it staged the first exhibition in the region on the work of the late Italian avant-garde artist Aldo Mondino, in addition to a successful commercial presentation of works by Italian painter and printmaker Giorgio Morandi. Rossi & Rossi has also recently presented shows with Massimo Antonaci and Bertozzi & Casoni, and exhibited seminal Italian post-war artists Lucio Fontana, Enrico Castellani, Piero Manzoni, Alighiero Boetti and Carol Rama, both in the Hong Kong showroom and abroad at the Shanghai West Bund art fair. Rossi & Rossi is a member of the Society of London Art Dealers (SLAD), the Hong Kong Art Gallery Association (HKAGA) and the South Island Cultural District (SICD). The gallery also participates in pre-eminent regional and international art fairs, including Art Basel Hong Kong, West Bund Shanghai and TEFAF Maastricht.
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