HomeAuctionsFine Chinese Modern And Contemporary Ink Paintings
Fine Chinese Modern And Contemporary Ink Paintings
HKD 206,180,820
Close rate: 75.64% (177/234)
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Auction introduction: The Fine Chinese Modern and Contemporary Ink Paintings auction features an array of prominent private collections worldwide. Zhang Daqian's Ancient Temple in Misty Mountain from the family collection of Wang Shih-Chieh is fresh to the market and will be the top highlight of the sale. Other highlights include Wu Guanzhong's Woods and a Spring, Zhang Daqian's two pairs of paintings and calligraphy to celebrate the Ode to Red Cliff from the Y. C. Wang collection, Opera Figures by Lin Fengmian from British collector John Molloy, and paintings by Li Keran, Huang Zhou, Li Kuchan from a distinguished Asian collection. The auction presents around 240 artworks from diverse subjects and artistic styles, including paintings and calligraphy by modern and contemporary masters such as Xu Beihong, Gao Qifeng, Pu Ru, Huang Yongyu, Liu Kuo-sung, Li Huayi and Liu Dan.