HomeAuctionsFine Chinese Paintings
Fine Chinese Paintings
HKD 267,334,740
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Auction introduction: Sotheby’s Fine Chinese Paintings October Sale will present over a hundred modern Chinese paintings and calligraphy from celebrated artists such as Zhang Daqian, Wu Guanzhong, Pu Ru, Qi Baishi, Huang Binhong, Huang Junbi, Wu Changshuo and Ding Yanyong. Fresh to the market, Zhang Daqian’s splashed landscape on silk, Ancient Pine in Lush Mountainscape, is mesmerizing work is from the collection of internationally acclaimed actress Lisa Yan Lu. Also featured is a selection of Wu Guanzhong’s works from different periods of his oeuvre, comprised of the powerfully dynamic Soul of the Pine, and his portrayal of Hong Kong’s bustling city scene in Labyrinth, followed by his iconic theme of Jiangnan’s water village in Garden in Suzhou and Village Scenery. Alongside the vibrantly coloured Willows by the Stream and A Secluded Pond is his rare depiction of Beijing’s street scene in A Street in Beijing. Please click here to view the PDF catalogue.