HomeAuctionsFine Chinese Classical Paintings And Calligraphy
Fine Chinese Classical Paintings And Calligraphy
HKD 90,651,360
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Auction introduction: On 3 December 2022, Christie's Hong Kong will present the Fine Chinese Classical Paintings and Calligraphy sale, offering global collections and timeless masterpieces with historical, aesthetic and cultural significance, providing an opportunity for collectors to acquire paintings that celebrate the historical art traditions of China. The highlight of this sale, A Tranquil Place by Shen Zhou, was previously in the Guo Yun Lou Collection and Zhuang Tao Ge Collection, and was recorded in Shina nanga taisei (Chinese Paintings) in 1936. Peaceful and reserved, this legendary handscroll perfectly captures Zhou's signature style and his longing for a tranquil and secluded life. Through his powerful and subtle brushstrokes and the calligraphy of Ming master Zhu Yunming, this work reflects the resonances between the two artists in terms of their views of life and art. Another highlight is Landscape after the Four Yuan Masters by the Qing scholar-painter Qian Weicheng. The stylistic features of the Four Yuan masters are carefully designed to evoke their landscapes of Jiangnan in creating an idyllic scenery of its own right. The colophons by Qian Daxin, Qian Zai, Pang Yuanrui, Zhao Yi and other scholar-officials linked up the gentry class of the Qianlong period with this masterpiece, presenting us the literati scene at that time. The sale also includes important Hong Kong private collections like The King Kwei Collection of Chen Rentao, Property Previously From The Collection of He Guanwu, and a wide array of paintings and calligraphy by leading Ming artists, including Wen Zhengming, Dong Qichang, Ni Yuanlu, and Wang Duo, as well as Qing Emperor Qianlong'Calligraphy in Running Script. With exquisite works of imperial and literati themes and remarkable appeal, the Fine Chinese Classical Paintings and Calligraphy are not to be missed.