HomeAuctionsFirst Open | Post-war & Contemporary Art
First Open | Post-war & Contemporary Art
USD 7,478,982
Close rate: 80.43% (222/276)
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Auction introduction: Christie’s First Open online auction showcases works by today’s most in-demand post-war and contemporary artists, including Kenny Scharf, Rebecca Ness, Peter Halley, Romare Bearden, Grace Hartigan, Hedda Sterne and more. Collection highlights include important works from The Collection of Norman & Lyn Lear, Property from the Collection of Ellen and Richard Levine, Vital Line: A New York Collection, Works from the Collection of Sam and Esther Sarick, Property to Benefit Turkish Philanthropy Funds for Earthquake Relief Efforts, and Property from the Collection of Mary & John Pappajohn. With estimates that range from $500 to $180,000, the First Open sale offers an extensive survey of 20th and 21st Century art for new and seasoned collectors alike.