HomeAuctionsModern & Contemporary Art
Modern & Contemporary Art
EUR 1,886,976
Close rate: 70.83% (51/72)
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Auction introduction: This September Sotheby's Germany will start holding online sales taking place throughout the year. The Modern & Contemporary Art Online Sale will be the inaugural sale and is a main season sale showcasing a range of works by locally and internationally celebrated artists. This sale will bring together works by sought-after artists from early Impressionist and Modern to Contemporary art and set in dialogue an exceptional selection of paintings, drawings and sculptures. With works spanning from German expressionists like Emil Nolde Dschunke mit gelbem Segel vor violettem Himmel, Max Pechstein Herbstschatten (Autum Shadows), Alexej von Jawlensky Stillleben: Blau-Violetter Klang (Still Life: Blue-Violet Sound) German abstract painters like Adolf Fleischmann Ohne Titel (Blauer Oktant), Constructivists like Rudolf Jahns Akt im Raum (No. 160) to Contemporary artists like Markus Lüpertz Otello Desdemona, Otto Piene Ohne Titel, Rupprecht Geiger OE 244 and JonOne What counts for me.