HomeAuctionsMagnificent Jewels
Magnificent Jewels
HKD 418,588,900
Close rate: 65.06% (108/166)
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Auction introduction: Sotheby’s Hong Kong is delighted to present the Magnificent Jewels spring auction featuring a wealth of highly collectable jewels curated by our specialists – a selection of marvelous range, from iconic signed pieces to flawless diamonds, vivid coloured diamonds and rare gemstones. Leading the sale is a 7.00 carat fancy intense purplish pink diamond ring by Sotheby’s Diamonds. Other highlights include an exquisite 63.66 carat diamond and rock crystal bangle by Cartier, and a unique 23.48 carat fancy deep pinkish orange diamond ring by Cartier. The auction also showcases a fine selection of jadeite, particularly an important bangle and bead necklace of utmost quality amongst a series of remarkable jewelled masterpieces. SESSION TIMES Session 1, Lots 1601 - 1698 Tue, 20 Apr 21 3:00 PM CST Session 2, Lots 1699 - 1766 Tue, 20 Apr 21 4:30 PM CST