HomeAuctionsLatin American Art
Latin American Art
USD 11,251,740
Close rate: 66.67% (58/87)
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Auction introduction: Christie’s Latin American auction features exceptional paintings, sculptures and drawings from the 19th century to the present day, by the most sought-after artists from across the region. Leading the sale is a Surrealist gem by Leonora Carrington, and rare and fresh to the market pieces by Hector Hyppolite, Olga Albizu, and Julio Galán, to name a few. Discover cornerstones for any collection with works by modernist greats Diego Rivera, Wifredo Lam, Emilio Pettoruti and Joaquín Torres-García. Also featured this season, is a fantastic selection of masterworks in a variety of media by celebrated artists Rufino Tamayo and Fernando Botero. Further highlights of the sale include one of the most comprehensive collections of contemporary Cuban art, featuring the work of Tomás Sánchez, Belkis Ayón, Kcho, Yoan Capote, and Tania Bruguera, among others.