HomeAuctionsMaster Sculpture From Four Millennia
Master Sculpture From Four Millennia
GBP 5,827,200
Close rate: 83.02% (44/53)
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Auction introduction: Effective May 20th, 2024, Sotheby's has lowered its Buyer's Premium rates and removed Overhead Premium for all categories excluding Wine & Spirits. Sotheby's Overhead Premium will only be charged for Wine & Spirits lots. Please refer to the Conditions of Business located on the relevant sale page for the updated rates. This July, Sotheby’s Ancient and European Sculpture departments are delighted to present their annual curated live auction, Master Sculpture from Four Millennia. The sale features a select group of the finest sculpture and works of art on the market ranging in date from antiquity to the 19th century, and showcasing a variety of media and techniques. The richness in diversity creates salient dialogues between sculpture and highlights the manifold traditions of creating three-dimensional imagery.