HomeAuctionsEuropean Sculpture & Works Of Art
European Sculpture & Works Of Art
GBP 589,920
Close rate: 52.69% (49/93)
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Auction introduction: Effective May 20th, 2024, Sotheby's has lowered its Buyer's Premium rates and removed Overhead Premium for all categories excluding Wine & Spirits. Sotheby's Overhead Premium will only be charged for Wine & Spirits lots. Please refer to the Conditions of Business located on the relevant sale page for the updated rates. European Sculpture & Works of Art presents sculpture and works of art from the Middle Ages to early 20th-century Modernism alongside a curated selection of engraved gems and historic jewellery. The sale features a variety of high-quality artworks, ranging from medieval wood sculpture to Renaissance bronzes, marble portrait busts, cameos, and a diverse selection of sculpture from the 19th and 20th centuries.