HomeAuctionsOld Masters Evening Sale
Old Masters Evening Sale
GBP 17,208,300
Close rate: 57.14% (28/49)
Above Est.
Within Est.
Auction introduction: This July’s Old Masters Evening sale comprises an impressive group of early Netherlandish paintings and 17th-century still lifes, including works from the collection of the Schuybroek family. Masterpieces by Balthasar van der Ast and Ambrosius Bosschaert, and a handful of early landscapes painted on copper, including works by Jan Brueghel the Elder and Jan Griffier the Elder, typify the impressive works from this Collection. The strong selection of British works include several exceptional portraits including Hamilton’s triple portrait of Emma Hamilton and West’s portrait of the future William VI. The sale ends with Turner’s majestic Purfleet and the Essex Shore as seen from Long Reach, one of his last major sea pieces in private hands. We look forward to welcoming you to our New Bond Street galleries from 3–7 July. Exhibitions: Hong Kong 9 - 12 June 10am - 6pm Appointment Only New York 4 - 20 June 10am - 5pm (Sundays 1pm - 5pm) Appointment Only