HomeAuctionsRough Diamonds
Rough Diamonds
CHF 1,152,843
Close rate: 100.00% (24/24)
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Auction introduction: Unearthed from the depths of Earth's ancient treasures, Rough Diamonds emerges as a groundbreaking collaboration between heist-out and Sotheby’s, poised to shake up the traditional watch auction arena. This one-of-the-kind underground watch auction, defies convention and thrusting forth a new breed of vintage timepiece into the limelight, which are sometimes overlooked, these watches will be unveiled in their true glory, akin to rough diamonds polished to brilliance. Expect an unusual encounter with avant-garde design watches amidst a distinctive setting featuring expansive cave-inspired aesthetics. Take a sip of mineral wines and immerse yourself in the rugged allure of a natural cave that transports you to the realm of intrepid cave explorers – a symbolic journey for those pioneering the frontier of cutting-edge vintage timepieces. Prepare for an underground auction like no other, slated from the 8–10 of April 2024 in Geneva.