HomeAuctionsMan Ray Dans La Collection Marion Meyer
Man Ray Dans La Collection Marion Meyer
EUR 4,749,129
Close rate: 99.44% (179/180)
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Auction introduction: In light of the 100th anniversary of André Breton’s 1924 Surrealist manifesto that will be celebrated in Paris in October 2024, a very unique sale, paying tribute to one of the most eclectic figures of Surrealism, Man Ray, will be taking place at Christie’s Paris on 11 April 2024: the sale of Marion Meyer’s Man Ray Collection. The collection bears witness to the artist’s friendship with Marcel Zerbib (1924-1980), one of Man Ray’s main art editor, and his wife, Marion Meyer, a key player of the art market and an established gallery-owner, who was equally very close to the artist. An internationally renowned expert of Man Ray’s oeuvre, Marion Meyer is the President of the Man Ray International Association. Featuring around 200 lots that showcase the rich variety and extraordinary uniqueness of Man Ray’s multidisciplinary oeuvre – paintings, objects, assemblages, ready-mades, photographs, drawings, sculptures, books, archives - the sale promises to be an exciting opportunity for interested parties to acquire a work by the artist, with estimates ranging from 300 € to 300,000 €.