HomeAuctionsOld Master And British Works On Paper: Drawings, Watercolours And Prints 1500-1900
Old Master And British Works On Paper: Drawings, Watercolours And Prints 1500-1900
GBP 3,639,699
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Auction introduction: Old Master and British Works on Paper reunites an interesting and diverse selection of fine and rare drawings, prints and watercolours spanning five centuries of European and British art. The highlights include Albrecht Dürer’s graphic masterpieces (a rare second state of Adam & Eve, Saint Eustace and the ‘Meisterstiche’ – Knight, Death and the Devil, Melencolia I and Saint Jerome in his Study), a fine selection of etchings by Rembrandt van Rijn and a complete set of Goya’s Caprichos, from the First Edition of 1799; Among Old Master Drawings can be mentioned figure studies by Jacopo Palma il Giovane and Jacob Jordaens; an important female nude by François Boucher; and three large Roman views by Giovanni Battista Lusieri. British highlights include a fine portrait of Maria Cosway by Richard Cosway, an ethereal J.M.W. Turner view of Ehrenbreitstein, a rediscovered J.R. Cozens watercolour, and a group of Holy Land views by David Roberts.