HomeAuctionsArt Moderne Et Contemporain Evening Auction
Art Moderne Et Contemporain Evening Auction
EUR 17,931,500
Close rate: 89.13% (41/46)
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Auction introduction: Sotheby’s Paris is thrilled to present the upcoming Evening Sale, featuring a carefully curated selection of works by renowned modern and contemporary masters. Alongside masterpieces by Ryman, Tapiès, and Soulages, commemorating the 150th anniversary of Impressionism, the auction will also showcase exceptional works by artists such as Pissarro, Rodin and Modigliani. Taking place on 23 April 2024 in our spacious galleries located where the historic Galerie Charpentier once held court, this prestigious event will brilliantly illustrate over a century of pioneering artistic production, spanning from the emergence of the European avant-garde to the Contemporary period, providing a comprehensive view of artistic evolution and perpetual challenge of established norms throughout the history of art.