Time: 2020.06.25 - 2020.08.25
Address: 上海市漕宝路3055号(近新镇路)

当为汝说 “当为汝说”展是宝龙美术馆“书藏楼美育系列展”的第一个展览项目,展名选自书藏楼收藏的杨度集佛经联:“如是我闻;当为汝说。”“如是我闻”取意传承真实不虚,“当为汝说”是佛陀为信众释惑之起语。 本次展览,书法作品多为艺术家对自己创作的经验之谈,或高屋建瓴,水银泻地,如黄胄《生活是创作的源泉》、范曾《随想三则》;或如诉家常,娓娓而谈,如白雪石《艺无止境》、刘文西《要真真的深入生活》、张仃《我为什么画焦墨》;或自出机杼,洋洋洒洒,如汪稼华《山耶海耶》,于志学《光开万物》;更多的则是将自己的心得、体验、技法、图式毫无保留地讲述出来,如白雪石《画新时代的漓江》、田世光《谈工笔画传统》、袁晓岑《论画孔雀》、吴山明《意笔人物画》等等。凡此种种,徜徉细审,如面晤作者,作者正“当为汝说”,观者则“如是我闻”。 作为一次重要的尝试,展览亦从“书藏楼”精心遴选出刘海粟《临石涛山水卷》、关良《李太白醉写蛮书图》、启功《书画秘册》等重要藏品,力图和相应的书法作品进行一定程度的衔接,并对这种基于创作理念的衔接做出尽可能简明的解读。我们期望通过这种对书法和绘画作品互为阐述的表达方式,引导观众对艺术家的核心表现有更直接、更明确的体会。

The exhibition "Telling you Attentively" is the first section of "Shucang's Collection Exhibition Series on Art Education", the exhibition name is originated from the couplet by Yang Du from Shucang's Collection: "I have heard, I will tell you attentively". "I have heard" denotes the sutra "True not False", "I will tell you attentively" is the starting words of the Buddha explaining away worldly concerns to its disciples and followers. In this exhibition, most of the calligraphies are artists' words of wisdom on their artworks, some embody deep understandings, some are thorough and unleashing, like Life is the Driving Source of Creations by Huang Zhou, Three Essays by Fan Zeng; some tell daily narratives in a pleasant and smooth manner, like Art is Endless by Bai Xueshi, Plunge into the Essence of Life by Liu Wenxi, Why I Employ Dense Black Ink by Zhang Ding; some are original and self-poised, like Like Mountain Like Sea by Wang Jiahua, Light Shines Upon Everything by Yu Zhixue; more artworks epitomize thoughts, experiences, techniques and styles of each artist, like Picture the Li River of New era by Bai Xueshi, On Traditions of Chinese Realistic Paintings by Tian Shiguang, On Painting Peacocks by Yuan Xiaocen, Freehand Figure Painting by Wu Shanming, etc. If one examines closely every selected artwork, the process is akin to having a dialogue with the artist as the artist is "telling you attentively" and the audiences in turn reply "thus I have heard". This exhibition is an outstanding and important attempt showcasing exemplary paintings from Shucang's Collection, including Imitation of the Landscape Scroll by Shi Tao by Liu Haisu, Drunk Writing by Li Bai by Guan Liang, Book on Painting and Calligraphy by Qi Gong among many other fine pieces in the collection, all of which echo and connect with corresponding calligraphic work and offer a concise interpretation of the creative concepts of respective calligraphy. We hope that through the juxtaposition of calligraphies and paintings as they supplement with each other, the exhibition will guide the audiences to acquire a more straightforward and clear understanding of the style and qualities of each artist selected on display.

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